
Ore belts in Europe
Convenor: Lluis Fontboté 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 04 Sep, 11:15–14:15  / Room H 4
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 04 Sep, 17:00–18:30  / Poster Area

This session is oriented towards research into both new discoveries and old (but significant) European ore deposits, together with new geochemical data and models for individual deposits and belts (including present-day seafloor mineralization).

Recent changes in the global economy, including the increasing importance of China in global markets and the perceived threat to a guaranteed supply of raw materials for industry, are fostering a renewal of interest in the ore deposits of Europe, a region that hosts several world class deposits and districts. The session should attract interest both from those currently active in mineral exploration in Europe and from the scientific community researching its mineral deposits.