
Isotope geochemistry: traditional and non-traditional, mass-dependent and non-mass-dependent
Convenor: Michael Staubwasser 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 05 Sep, 11:15–16:30  / Room H 6
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 05 Sep, 17:00–18:30  / Poster Area

Variations in the radiogenic and stable isotopic composition of terrestrial materials bear important information on Earth’s evolution with respect to its building blocks, evolution of the crust-mantle system, and evolution of the oceans and the biosphere. Due to analytical limitations, past research has essentially focused on a limited number of radiogenic and stable isotope systems. Recently, new analytical tools became available, fostering, for instance, the application of new radiogenic isotope systems and also of so-called "non-traditional stable isotopes". Even for elements traditionally used as tracers in isotope geochemistry, the new developments opened new windows for novel applications such as the study of mass independent effects and measurements of 'clumped isotopes'. This session aims on bringing together isotope geochemists from a wide range of disciplines, covering cosmochemistry, low- and high temperature geochemistry, who apply common and new analytical techniques to solve problems in these fields.