Conveners: Martin Göber , Pertti Nurmi 

The main focus will be on the verification of forecasts of high impact weather. Papers addressing the verification of severe weather or hazardous weather events are most welcome. Verification studies dealing with more common events (e.g. freezing of road surfaces), having a high societal impact are also appreciated. All forecast time ranges (from nowcasting to seasonal and climate projections) may be covered. Papers can deal with NWP performance or as well with the quality of final forecasts delivered to end-users, i.e. highlighting user-oriented verification. Multi-disciplinary (e.g. hydrological) verification studies of high impact phenomena are also supported.

Contributions are invited on:
- New verification methods and techniques for high impact weather forecasts
- User-focused verification addressing high impact phenomena
- Diagnostic verification of probabilistic, ensemble and deterministic forecasts
- Spatial and object-oriented verification
- Propagation of uncertainty inherent in observations affecting verification
- Statistical inference in verification
- Communication of verification feedback to decision-makers