Climate Services: User tailored - custom made applications (co-organized)
Co-Conveners: Insa Meinke , Clare Goodess , Janette Bessembinder , Arne Spekat 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 14 Sep, 11:45–17:00  / Room AudiMax (F30)
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 14 Sep, 19:00–20:00  / Poster Area P1

This session is about the production and dissemination of climate data and information for specific uses: customer oriented services where information is tailored to specific needs. Tailoring ranges from answering specific questions about (possibly changing) local or regional climatic conditions (weather extremes!) for e.g. builders, farmers or industrial producers to the development of climate scenarios for a river basin to assess future security against flooding.

To be able to tailor climate information, a proper demand articulation by the customer in an ongoing dialogue between the provider and the user is needed and adequate and consistent methods for tailoring. The purpose of the session is:
- to give an overview of methods for tailoring climate data and information
- to give an overview of aspects relevant during the guidance process of climate services
The overview is given by presenting “best practices” and discussing possible improvements.
The specific role and position of the National (Hydro) Meteorological Services in providing tailored climate information and how these may be enhanced and improved will be a theme in these presentations.

Part of the SE2 talks will be shared with session CE3 on information and decision making. Several keynote speakers for SE2 “Climate Services: User tailored – custom made applications” will be invited by the Conveners, but this is also an open call for contributions to SE2 on the themes listed below. Session SE will be closed off by a debate between a panel of the speakers and the audience on the strengths and weaknesses of current and planned approaches to user tailored climate services.

Open call for contributions on the following major themes:
Methodologies, among others:
- Time series analysis (e,g the Delta-method versus the use of climate model output)
- extreme statistics (e.g. extreme scenarios or extremes in probability functions of plausible scenarios)
- Communicating uncertainties

User guidance (how to get to the real question, how to communicate about uncertainty, how to present information (internet/report))

In all examples we are looking for a good mixture of:
- services related to current/future climate
- different types of users: policy- and decision makers, companies, researchers
- different sectors: water, agriculture, health, transport, nature etc.
- different countries
- different regions: seas, mountains, river basins etc.
- different scales: specific locations, urban problems and solutions, regional etc.