Dynamical Meteorology
Convener: Thomas Frisius  | Co-Conveners: Frank Lunkeit , Paolo Michele Ruti 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 14 Sep, 08:30–12:30  / Room E1.2
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 14 Sep, 18:30–19:30  / Poster Area P2

The goal of this session is to provide room to discuss the physical processes underlying the atmospheric dynamics, and to analyze their relevance in the climatic and forecast contexts.

Emphasis will be on dynamical processes underlying the planetary-, synoptic- and meso-scale atmospheric flow as well as on the link between these atmospheric scales.
Some relevant topics, we would like to address:
- Dynamical processes whose analysis require high resolution data, such as gravity waves in the stratosphere or inertial instabilities in frontal structure with related rainfall
- Evolution and nonlinear interaction of synoptic-scale weather systems, for example baroclinic waves, extratropical cyclones, cut-off lows, blocking highs and jetstreams
- Dynamics of atmospheric convection and their feedback on the larger scale flow. Associated phenomena are supercells, tornadoes, mesoscale convective systems, mesoscale cellular convection, boundary layer rolls, polar lows, tropical cloud clusters, the ITCZ and tropical cyclones.
- stratosphere-troposphere interaction with particular emphasis on the tropopause dynamics, and on the mechanisms.
- Tropical-extratropical interaction (the Hadley cell variability and the mid-latitude forcing, atmospheric teleconnection mechanisms, extra-tropical transition of tropical cylones)
- Meteorological processes which could be relevant for the development of high-resolution models, for supporting the provision of local climate information and to leverage the knowledge of local processes and instabilities.

We invite contributions comprising conceptual studies, modelling or diagnostics.