Operational Oceanography from observations to decisions through data assimilation and forecasts
Convener: Hugues Ravenel 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 14 Sep, 12:30–12:45  / Room E1.2
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 14 Sep, 18:30–19:30  / Poster Area P2

The interest for operational oceanography is expanding in many forecast centers from global to regional scales to improve the analyses and forecasts of the ocean-ice system. This is a step towards improving the predictability of the atmosphere on a wide range of timescales. Operational oceanography involves observations, data assimilation and modelling. This session welcomes talks and posters on different aspects of operational oceanography from observing systems, techniques of data assimilation and ocean modelling, including aspects of atmosphere-ocean-ice coupling and decision making support.