Large scale air-sea and land-atmosphere interaction processes and their influence on the European and Mediterranean regional climate
Convener: Silvio Gualdi  | Co-Convener: Samuel Somot 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 13 Sep, 16:30–18:30  / Room E1.1
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 14 Sep, 18:30–19:30  / Poster Area P2

Large-scale feedback processes between atmosphere and ocean and atmosphere
and land play a key role in the climate system of the European and Mediterranean
climate, and they may be of paramount importance in determining the characteristics
of the climate change signal in this region.

Therefore, in order to increase the level of confidence in the detection, attribution and
prediction of the regional features of climate change in the Euro-Mediterranean area
a more comprehensive understanding of the feedback mechanisms between the
large-scale air-sea and atmosphere-land is required.

This session is dedicated to the research works exploring the possible mechanisms
through which the large-scale air-sea and atmosphere-land interactions may affect the
climate system, with a special focus on the European and Mediterranean region.

Papers investigating the interactions between global climate, climate change and the
regional coupled atmosphere-ocean process; exploring the role of the Mediterranean
Sea as a source of heat and moisture for the surrounding regions; assessing the role of
the feedbacks between large-scale atmospheric circulation, precipitation, land-surface
fluxes and temperature on the possible patterns of climate change are warmly invited.

The session acts as a workshop organized by Research Line 2 (RL2) of the EU FP6
project CIRCE.