Interfacing hydrological and meteorological models in forecasting systems
Conveners: Bodo Ahrens , Massimiliano Zappa , Herbert Formayer 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 14 Sep, 08:30–10:30  / Room E1.1
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 14 Sep, 18:30–19:30  / Poster Area P1

The scope of this session is recent developments in the coupling between meteorological and hydrological models. As computational power increases, the models become more detailed and ensemble systems emerge. This creates new challenges: the forecasting systems get more complex, the data flow between meteorological and hydrological models intensifies, and the interpretation of more complex models and ensemble systems is involved. At the same time, expectations from decision makers and the general public are increasing, raising demands for accurate and well-presented forecasts. This session welcomes contributions from modelers with experience of operational short-term real-time forecasting, as well as modelers with experience of long-term seasonal or climatic forecasting.

Major questions to be addressed include:
(i)What is the optimal coupling strategy of meteorological forecasting or climate models and hydrological models/ensembles?
(ii)How can additional information (e.g., remotely sensed data) be used in coupled systems?
(iii) How can these systems be evaluated and the output be post-processed?
(iv) How should the forecasts be presented and what type of risk analysis can be used in supporting decision makers?
(v) Can hydrologic extreme events or the statistics of extreme events be forecast satisfactorily by coupled systems today?

Solicited speakers:
Florian Pappenberger, ECMWF: "The (ir)relevance of improvements in meteorological forecasts for hydrology"
Jutta Thielen, JRC: "State of the art of Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Systems (HEPS)"