
Energy meteorology
Convener: Sven-Erik Gryning  | Co-Conveners: Ekaterina Batchvarova , Lucien Wald , Marion Schroedter-Homscheidt 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 14 Sep, 11:00–18:30  / Room E1.1
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 14 Sep, 18:30–19:30  / Poster Area P1

Energy Meteorology

Wind and solar power is expected to play a major role in order to meet the increase of electricity consumption over the next decades and at the same time reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Both of these renewable energy sources are currently explored and undergo rapid developments. However further basic and applied studies in meteorological processes and tools are needed to meet demands of the new technologies.
Both wind and solar energy resources are highly variable in space and time. Wind energy is highly dependent on regional wind patterns and local topography. Solar energy relies on the cloud structure and the aerosol load of the atmosphere. Presently these features are not well described.

Contributions are invited within the following topics:
* Wind and turbulence profiles in homogeneous and complex terrain (measurements and theory)
* Wind and turbulence within a wind farm (including wakes)
* Clouds and aerosol properties in homogeneous and complex terrain (measurements and theory)
* The use of meso-scale models for wind and solar energy assessment studies
* Short term forecast (minutes to day) for wind and solar energy resources
* Impact of wind and solar energy farms on local and regional meteorology
* Using satellite data for solar and wind energy application
* Practical experience using meteorological information in wind and solar energy applications