Gender equality
Convener: Heike Huebener  | Co-Convener: Martina Junge 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 12 Sep, 16:30–18:30  / Room Princeton

The session on gender equality is open to reports on the situation of female researchers or workers in the field of meteorology and related sciences in different countries, research projects, institutions or organizations. Also, gender actions planned or executed (and experiences gained) are invited.

This session strives to give an overview of what has been achieved so far. A particular focus is intended on the possible directions and perspectives of future developments and actions. The emphasize will be on the question what is so far lacking in the existing strategies to
• provide equal opportunities and
• increase the response to these opportunities.

Contributions on the following topics are welcome:
• examples of good practice
• general overview of achievements
• (remaining) problems
• practical solutions for selected problems
• the next steps, required future developments, perspectives
• embedding of actions in the wider societal context
• important advice for female scientists at the start of their career
• the role of womens' networks

We also encourage contributions approaching the situation of non-equality in a more analytical or theoretical way.

In particular we ask all authors to design their presentations in a way to stimulate discussions.