Climate monitoring, data management and analysis
Conveners: Ingeborg Auer , Manola Brunet-India 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 13 Sep, 14:00–18:30  / Room Sorbonne
 / Wed, 14 Sep, 08:30–17:15  / Room Sorbonne
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 13 Sep, 18:30–19:30  / Poster Hall (Ground Floor)

The aim of this session will be studies that provide timely and reliable information about the state and evolution of the European climate. A dedicated focus is on highlighting data rescue (DARE) activities, as a prerequisite for recovering very long time high quality series, as input for improved assessments of climate extremes. New climate services aiming especially at adaptation will require a sound monitoring system and adequate analysis of the climate on various spatial and time scales.
The all over scope is to perceive the tangent planes of climate monitoring, data rescue, data management and climate assessments. In particular, contributions are solicited from monitoring projects, covering this scope and reach the time scales of extreme events that impact all our lives, such as EURO4M (European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring).

Contributions are invited on the following topics:

• Trends in regional climate, not just the mean, but variability and extremes, often for the latter measured through well-chosen indices
• Impacts of climate change in rapidly responding sectors with a clear link to climate parameters, such as impacts of climate change on vegetation or impacts of climate change on tourism.
• GCOS climate monitoring principles; application and problems
• GCOS (National) Implementation Plans
• The role of observations for climate services
• Improving techniques and procedures for undertaking integrated climate data and meta data rescue activities.
• Enhancing history of observing techniques in meteorology and climatology and in data archaeology techniques
• Conserving, imaging, inventorying and archiving historical documents containing weather records
• Processing of climate data and metadata, including data flow management, meta databases, data exchange platforms and networks operability
• Innovative climate data quality control (QC), including checks to spatial coherence, QC application on monthly to sub daily data
• Climate data homogeneity detection and correction
• Reanalysis and assimilation of data from new instruments and technologies
• Presentation of monitoring results in Integrated Climate Information Systems