Numerical aspects and physical parameterization integration in NWP models
Co-Convener: Szymon Malinowski 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 13 Sep, 16:30–18:30  / Room A0
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 13 Sep, 10:30–11:30  / Display Mon, 10 Sep, 09:00–Fri, 14 Sep, 13:00  / First Floor

NWP models have to cover a large spectrum of atmospheric scales, from the global long waves down to kilometric scales. The models are generally built around a “dynamical core” together with several physical parameterizations which represent processes inside the atmosphere and interaction processes with its environment. Operational NWP models are also constrained by real-time requirements, computing resources and the necessity to assimilate observations regularly. Moreover NWP models are systems which are often used for climate modelling and re-analysis.

This session is expected to gather presentations and posters on the following topics:
- general aspects of numerical schemes in NWP models;
- physical parameterizations and their interaction with a dynamical core;
- the challenges coming from the need to model a larger and larger ensemble of scales as well as more and more detailed basic processes;
- the challenges coming from the need to produce efficient models on massively parallel computers;
- the evaluation, validation, criticism and intercomparison of different numerical and physical schemes.