
Concluding Panel Discussion: Linking with WMO GFCS
Co-Convener: Clare Goodess 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 11 Sep, 17:00–18:30  / Room Aula

For the concluding plenary we have invited representatives from the World Meteorological Organization and from various network organizations that aim to facilitate or coordinate the development of climate services in Europe and beyond.
The Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) for which UNEP and WMO took the initiative at the third World Climate Conference in 2009 will encompass the needs and means for climate services in relation to global warming at local, regional and global levels. In Europe in particular, many initiatives and existing institutions aim to bring climate service providers and other actors together, in order to learn from each other, help each other and streamline.
In this plenary we will hear about the status and experiences with these networking and coordinating initiatives and discuss how they can be improved and brought together and how we can contribute to and benefit from these activities.