Workshop to demonstrate capacities and tools to increase benefits to NMHSs of the WMO RA VI Pilot Regional Climate Centre (RCC) Network(public, registration requested)
Conveners: Stefan Rösner , Aryan van Engelen 
Thu, 13 Sep, 08:30–13:30  / Room Side Meeting Room 1.115

Regional Climate Centres are institutions with the capacity and mandate by WMO to develop high quality regional-scale products, using global products, national input and incorporating regional information. Recently a pilot network of three Regional Climate Centre consortia was established for the WMO region RAVI (Europe and Middle East; one on Climate Data, one on Climate Monitoring and one on Long Range Forecasting.

The tentative agenda for the workshop is:
1) Welcome and Introduction - Stefan Rösner (DWD) and Aryan van Engelen (KNMI)

The aims of the workshop are: to bring together representatives of NMHS’s to demonstrate the capacities/capabilities of the existing RCC Network in the region; to explore the existing RCC-applications; to discuss potential barriers which hamper collaboration within the RCC; to discuss opportunities to enhance the benefits for your NMHS; to discuss potential new applications which respond to user needs.

2) Pilot RCC Node on Climate Data - Albert Klein Tank
(KNMI) and Gé Verver (KNMI)

The European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECA&D) project provides RCC services for daily station data and indices of extremes. The main RCC services will be described and demonstrated. This will be followed by a hands-on training exercise to explore the different RCC functionalities and provide immediate feedback. The discussion will concentrate on those applications which add value to the existing national services, for instance considering national climatologies in a transboundary context.

3) Pilot RCC Node on Climate Monitoring - Stefan Rösner (DWD) and Peter Bissolli (DWD)

The main RCC services will be described and demonstrated. This will be followed by a hands-on session in which the monitoring products for a particular month will be reproduced on the basis different datasets.

4) RCC on Long-range forecasting (RCC-LRF) – Jean Pierre Céron (Météo-France) and Dmitri Kiktev (Roshydromet).

The functions and products of the RCC nodes on long-range forecasts jointly led by Météo-France and the North-EurAsia Climate Centre (NEACC) will be described and future developments highlighted.

Participation is free. Please register by notifying the RCC Network Coordinator, Mr. Stefan Rösner, via email to

Detailed information about the programme will be communicated soon to the registered participants. Note that a large part of the workshop will be devoted to hands-on work. Participants are requested to bring their own laptops.