Workshop on the implementation of a Climate Watch System in RA-VI in the context of GFCS
Wed, 12 Sep, 08:30–12:30  / Room Side Meeting Room 1.115

It was agreed by all participants of the workshop on the Implementation of Climate Watch Systems (CWS) in Offenbach, Germany 2010 to establish a CWS in RA VI as an element of an Early Warning System. This workshop will be a follow up to the one in Offenbach 2010. A CWS is an operational cooperative system for climate early warning based on existing meteorological facilities and infrastructure at regional and national level. It involves user in its design, operation and evaluation. A CWS builds on existing weather early warning systems by adding advisories on climate extreme events. We would like to encourage long-range forecast providers, RCCs, participants of the last workshop, users, climatologists and observational data owners to consider the participation to establish a partnership and collaboration for the future. Due to a limited avaibility of seats please register before under Participation is free and open to all conference participants.

Draft agenda:

Anahit Hovsepyan: Welcome address, news from WG on Climate and Hydrology

Omar Baddour (WMO): Welcome address and news on CWS from Cg and EC, purpose of a CWS

Hilppa Gregow: CWS in Finland, template of CWS for Europe

Goran Pejanovic: CWS in Serbia

Serhat Sensoy: CWS in Turkey

Karsten Friedrich: Case studies on CWS

10:20-10:40 COFFEE BREAK

Aryan van Engelen: ICA&D

Manola Brunet: MEDARE and CWS

Felipe Lucio (GFCS): GFCS case studies

Anna Mikalsen (GCOS): The adequacy of the Observing Systems and the Progress in Implementation including the availability of climate observations for CWS

Discussion: Implementation of Climate Watch in Europe, role of WMO-RAVI-RCC-CM and NMHSs and next steps

Public information: A Climate Watch System (CWS) is an operational cooperative system for climate early warning based on existing meteorological facilities and infrastructure at regional and national level. It involves user in its design, operation and evaluation. A CWS builds on existing weather early warning systems by adding advisories on climate extreme events. We would like to encourage long-range forecast providers, RCCs, participants of the last workshop, users, climatologists and observational data owners to consider the participation to establish a partnership and collaboration for the future. Due to a limited avaibility of seats please register before under Participation is free and open to all conference participants.