Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research (Poster Session)
Co-Conveners: Martin Göber , Martin Weissmann 
 / Attendance Mon, 09 Sep, 16:00–17:00  / Display Mon, 09 Sep, 09:00–Tue, 10 Sep, 19:00  / Poster Area 1

HErZ-Poster Session

The Hans-Ertel-Centre for Weather Research (abbreviated as HErZ) was established to strengthen the cooperation between the Deutscher Wetterdienst (German Weather Service), universities and research institutions in Germany to collaborate on key issues of weather forecasting and climate research. A major goal is to intensify research and education on topics that are important for the weather service, but have been underrepresented as the German universities in the past.

The five key branches of HErZ are:
1. Object-based Analysis and Seamless prediction (OASE)
2. Ensemble based convective scale data assimilation and the use of remote sensing observations
3. Boundary layer clouds, sub-cloud layer heterogenities and stochastic parameterizations
4. Retrospective analysis of regional climate
5. Improving the process of weather warnings and extreme weather
information in the chain from the meteorological forecasts to
their communication for the Berlin conurbation (WEXICOM)

This poster session will give an overview on HErZ as an institution and will present scientific results from the work of the individual branches. A number of contributions from all branches of HErZ will also be presented during the session programme of the conference in the NWP, ECAM and Climate sessions.

Only contributions from projects of the Hans-Ertel-Centre will be accepted for this session.