Satellite observations and model boundary conditions for climate reanalysis
Convener: Nick Rayner  | Co-Convener: Joerg Schulz 
 / Wed, 11 Sep, 17:30–18:00  / Room 102
 / Thu, 12 Sep, 08:30–09:30  / Room 103
 / Attendance Thu, 12 Sep, 10:30–11:30  / Display Wed, 11 Sep, 09:00–Fri, 13 Sep, 14:00  / Poster Area 1

Satellite data are used extensively in reanalysis, both directly as input for data assimilation, and indirectly, combined with in situ data and statistical reconstruction, to provide boundary conditions for the assimilating forecast model. ERA-CLIM contributions include:

- Development of various reprocessed and recalibrated level-1b radiance data records for reanalysis;
- Reprocessing of geostationary and polar imagery to derive Atmospheric Motion Vector data for reanalysis;
- Addressing opportunities to extend the usable satellite record further back in time;
- Development of improved global sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration estimates for reanalysis.