Award Ceremony
 / Tue, 08 Sep, 14:00–15:35  / Room Sofia II

The following awards will be presented

EMS Young Scientist Travel Awards

Outstanding Poster Award EMS&ECAC 2014: Michael Ponater, Vanessa Rieger, and Simone Dietmüller: http://www.ems2014.eu/outstanding_poster_award.html

EMS Young Scientist Award

EMS Media Awards: Outreach & Communication Award, TV Weather Forecast Award and the Journalist Award.

EMS Outstanding Contribution Award

Tromp Foundation:
EMS Tromp Award: http://www.emetsoc.org/awards/other-awards/ems-tromp-award

The Harry Otten Prize for Innovation in Meteorology will be presented by Harry Otten.
Presentations of finalists: see session SPS4, Monday, 14:00 in room “Kyoto”

14:45 Silver Medal Award Ceremony

Laudatio: Alain Ratier, EUMETSAT Director-General
Handing over of Silver Medal
Silver Medal Lecture by Anton Eliassen: "Meteorology and Society: Air pollution, weather forecasting and free data"

For information on the Laureate: http://tinyurl.com/mscf67k