NWP7 Mesoscale Verification Inter-Comparison over Complex Terrain (MesoVICT) |
Convener: Manfred Dorninger | Co-Conveners: Eric Gilleland , Chiara Marsigli |
Convection-permitting and near-convection-resolving numerical weather prediction (NWP) models provide subjectively much improved short-range forecasts of potential high-impact weather such as heavy precipitation associated with convection. Unfortunately increased small-scale variability often means that the detail seen in these forecasts is not always accurate in terms of timing or location, and traditional verification methods penalise this behaviour. About a decade ago the verification community responded by developing many new spatial verification methods to provide a more realistic assessment of these forecasts. Many of the new methods participated in an intercomparison project between 2007-2009 to compare the characteristics, to categorise them, and provide potential users with a clearer understanding of what each method was capable of, and what information it provides.
There was always the desire to have a follow-on intercomparison project considering more complex terrain, and parameters other than precipitation. A follow-on project would also include ensembles and observation uncertainty.
The follow-on methods intercomparison project known as "Mesoscale Verification Inter-Comparison over Complex Terrain" (MesoVICT) was launched at the EMS/ECAM meeting in September 2013 and is based on cases from the MAP D-PHASE/COPS data sets over the Alps. Since the launch an initial project workshop was held in October 2014.
This session aims to provide project participants the opportunity to present initial results based on the MAP D-PHASE cases, and for the wider scientific community to learn more about the project and see the initial results from this project.
Key project materials can be found at
http://mesovict.univie.ac.at/mesovict/programme-and-talks/ and http://www.ral.ucar.edu/projects/icp/. The project is endorsed by the WMO WWRP Joint Working Group of Forecast Verification Research (JWGFVR).