Weather briefing
Mon, 03 Sep, 11:15–11:30  / Room E III
Tue, 04 Sep, 09:45–10:00  / Room E III
Wed, 05 Sep, 09:45–10:00  / Room E III
Thu, 06 Sep, 09:45–10:00  / Room E III

Throughout the week daily weather forecast briefings will be given by forecasters of the Hungarian Meteorological Service OMSZ.
They will all be presented in lecture room EIII, during the morning coffee & tea breaks, with the option to discuss with the forecasters personally.

The forecasters will be:

- Kornél Kolláth: He has 15 years of experience at the OMSZ Department of Forecasting. His special interests are nowcasting and warnings. Kornél Kolláth recently started working on an interdisciplinary research project on light pollution and meteorological observation.

- Péter Baár: He graduated in January 2018, and is now working at the OMSZ Department of Forecasting.
His special interests are weather induced damage research and warnings.