Climate modelling: New frontiers
Convener: Bodo Ahrens | Co-Conveners: Barbara Chimani, Stefan Sobolowski

Climate models have become a widespread tool to simulate the behavior of the climate system over longer periods (e.g., multi-decadal to centennial). They are also increasingly employed to obtain climate predictions on timescales of seasons to decades. And as computational power has increased, the ability to run these models at so-called convection-permitting scales (<4km grid spacing) has lead to an explosion of activity that targets explicitly resolving multi-scalar aspects of the climate system and opens new lines of inquiry. Climate modeling contributes to the understanding of the complex interaction processes in the earth system and provides scenarios for future climate conditions. The results of climate modeling form the basis for recommendations and decisions on how to prepare for and adapt to climate change and form the backbone of downstream development of many climate services. This session will be devoted to different aspects of new frontiers in climate modeling, including:
• advances and challenges in convection-permitting atmospheric modeling,
• numerical aspects of climate models,
• ensemble climate modeling,
• representation of physical earth system processes in climate models,
• sources and drivers of biases in climate models from subgrid-scale parameterizations to higher-level physical interactions,
• verification and intercomparison of climate model results, including new evaluation methods/metrics,
• data treatment and visualization of climate model results.

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