Exploring the Moon
Convener: M. Robinson  | Co-Convener: B. Denevi 
Oral Program
 / Fri, 07 Oct, 08:30–17:00  / Room Jupiter Auditorium
Poster Program
 / Attendance Thu, 06 Oct, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area

It has been almost four decades since the last astronauts walked on the Moon. During that time, exhaustive analysis of the returned samples and further observations by space missions have yielded a wealth of information, yet many open questions remain. Now, data from a string of recent successful spacecraft missions are addressing these unsolved problems, and will likely uncover more mysteries. In the midst of this flood of new lunar data, this session seeks to capture the progress in understanding the Moon's formation, interior structure and its impact, volcanic and tectonic history. Abstracts pertaining to all areas of lunar science are welcome.