
Surface-environment interactions at airless bodies (co-organized)
Convener: Anna Milillo  | Co-Convener: Alessandro Mura 
Oral Program
 / Thu, 06 Oct, 13:30–17:05  / Room Uranus Room
Poster Program
 / Attendance Thu, 06 Oct, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area

The bodies in the Solar system that lack of a thick atmosphere and of a strong internal magnetic field are continuously irradiated by solar photons, dust, electrons and ion fluxes. All these agents produce effects on the surfaces like chemical and structural modification (space weathering), charging and particle release. The knowledge of the effectiveness of these processes is important in order to understand the evolution of the bodies and their interactions with the environment.
This session includes theoretical and simulation studies on interaction processes between solar wind, magnetospheric plasma, exospheres, dust and surfaces on different targets. Presentations on analyses of in situ or ground-based observations of neutral and ionized environment are also welcome. Target bodies can be planets like Mercury, moons like Europa or Ganymede or our Moon, and also small bodies like asteroids. Laboratory studies on planetary analogues aiming to simulate the surface-environment interaction are considered as well.