Giant Planet Atmospheres & Interiors
Convener: Leigh Fletcher  | Co-Conveners: Glenn Orton , Patrick Irwin , Tristan Guillot 
Oral Program
 / Fri, 07 Oct, 08:30–17:00  / Room Saturne Auditorium
Poster Program
 / Attendance Thu, 06 Oct, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area

Recent observations of the gas and ice giants have revealed complex evolving atmospheric systems, from short term variability (impacts on Jupiter, mid-latitude storms on Saturn, discrete features on Uranus and Neptune), medium-term changes (the life cycle of Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt, seasonal storms on Saturn) and seasonally-induced hemispheric asymmetries and equator-to-pole contrasts on Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Temporal variability within the weather layer may provide key diagnostics of processes occurring in regions inaccessible to remote sensing, within the deep troposphere and planetary interior. Abstracts concerning the present state of the neutral atmospheres (dynamics, chemistry and vertical structure); their temporal evolution and coupling to the planetary interior (internal structure, convection and interaction with the atmosphere) are particularly welcome, along with a discussion of future priorities for the exploration of giant planet atmospheres from ground- and space-based facilities.