CoRoT and Kepler results
Co-Convener: Jack Lissauer 
Oral Program
 / Tue, 04 Oct, 08:30–12:00  / Room Uranus Room
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 04 Oct, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area

Space-borne planetary transit missions CoRoT and Kepler have
revolutionized our view of extrasolar planetary architectures and statistics. In just several years they increased the number of transiting planetary candidates to over a thousand and this number is rapidly growing. Thanks to these missions we now know that planetary systems are common in our galaxy, and we also have examples of planets in habitable zones of their stars. These missions also allow us to probe the low-mass end of the planetary mass spectrum by being sensitive to transits produced by objects as small as just a couple of Earth radii. This session is devoted to the discussion of CoRoT and Kepler results, their interpretation, modeling efforts, and implications for planetary dynamics and planet formation theories.