Rotational motion of Celestial bodies : Observations and Models
Convener: Nicolas Rambaux  | Co-Conveners: Julie Castillo , Konrad Willner 
Oral Program
 / Wed, 05 Oct, 08:30–10:00  / Room Vénus Room
Poster Program
 / Attendance Wed, 05 Oct, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area

For the past decade, spaceborne and ground-based measurements have increased the set of observational constraints on the rotational properties of terrestrial planets and natural satellites. Rotational motion is an important piece of information about the interior properties and geodynamics of planetary bodies and their tidal response. Accurate knowledge of rotational behavior is also necessary in order to support accurate cartography and geodesy of these objects.  

New constraints on the rotational properties of various objects have been recently acquired  (i.e. Earth, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Phobos, Janus, Epimetheus, Titan, and various asteroids...) by using different techniques (VLBI, LLR, radar...). In parallel models of rotation taking into account spin-orbit couplings, body deformation, and core-mantle couplings have been suggested. Besides, rotation models have to properly account for the geophysical properties of the objects in order to accurately reproduce their dynamical properties. The objective of this session is to review the current theories/models in the area of rotational dynamics and observational detection of rotational properties.