
International Cooperation on e-infrastructures for Planetary Sciences - Part 2 Preparing Answers to Incentive Calls
Convener: Gérard M. Chanteur  | Co-Conveners: Maria Teresa Capria , D.J. Crichton , Tom Stein 
Tue, 04 Oct, 12:00–13:30  / Room Mercure Room

On July 20th the European Commission issued incentive calls to reinforce international, and especially US-Europe, cooperation through interoperable research infrastructures that could be implemented through a non-biding partnership with the National Science Foundation of USA.
Emphasis is put on developing common policies adressing the full life cycle of data, promoting interoperable e-infrastructures services for scientific data, and coordinating and supporting actions in e-infrastructures. This splinter meeting is intended to discuss possible answers to these calls which will be closed on November 23rd 2011.