EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG) | Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
Exploration of Mars - Present and Future
Convener: Håkan Svedhem | Co-conveners: Sylvain Douté, Maurizio Pajola, Cathy Quantin-Nataf, Daniel Rodionov, Jorge Vago
| Mon, 16 Sep, 08:30–10:00, 13:30–18:30
Jupiter (Room 1), Tue, 17 Sep, 08:30–12:00, 13:30–17:00
Jupiter (Room 1)
| Attendance Tue, 17 Sep, 17:15–18:45 | Display Mon, 16 Sep, 08:30–Wed, 18 Sep, 11:00|Basement

The Trace Gas Orbiter of the ExoMars programme in now in its science orbit since April 2018 and is producing exciting results, Mars Express and Curiosity are still going strong and Insight has just started its science mission. The ExoMars Rover and Surface Platform and NASA's 2020 Rover are expected to be launched in summer 2020. Indeed vibrant times for Mars research. This session is open for papers dealing with recent results from Mars missions, ground observations, supporting theory and modelling, as well as plans for upcoming missions in the near and intermediate future. Especially papers presenting investigations about the geology, geomorphology, thermophysics, local meteorology, rover trafficability, special in-orbit image acquisition campaigns, etc... of Oxia Planum and Jezero West are invited.