EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG) | Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
Convener: Cristina Lavín | Co-convener: José Luis Mesa Uña
Tue, 17 Sep, 10:30–12:00
Ceres (Room 14)

NEWTON is an international research project funded from EU H2020 programme funds. The project NEW portable multi-sensor scienTific instrument for non-invasive ON-site characterization of rock from planetary surface and sub-surfaces (NEWTON) is developing a new portable and compact multi-sensor instrument for ground breaking high resolution magnetic characterization of planetary surfaces and sub-surfaces through the combination of complex susceptibility and vector measurements, being the Moon and Mars the main scenarios of application of the instrument. This non-invasive technology provides unique scientific information on some of the main objectives related to the Solar System exploration roadmap as the intense magnetic crustal anomalies of Mars and the strongly discussed formation of its moons.
This workshop will look at latest state-of-the-art regarding in-situ instrumentation for planetary surface characterization, with particular focus on magnetometric devices and their application to planetary exploration. In addition to this, NEWTON multi-sensor instrument will be exhibited during the session as well as the results obtained from the field campaigns performed with NEWTON instrumentation.

Public information:
NEWTON is an international research Project funded from EU H2020 programme funds which aims at developing a new portable and compact multi-sensor instrument for high resolution magnetic characterisation of planetary surfaces, through the combination of complex susceptibility and vector measurements, being the Moon and Mars the main scenarios of application of the instrument. More information can be found in NEWTON web-page: http://www.h2020-newton.eu

NEWTON workshop will look at latest state-of-the-art regarding magnetic in-situ instrumentation for planetary surface characterization and their application to planetary exploration. During the session, NEWTON instrument, based on the combination of complex susceptibility and magnetic field vector measurement, will be presented, as well as the main technical innovations gained from it. In addition to this, the workshop will give the opportunity to examine the exploitation opportunities of magnetometric instrumentation and its application to the future space exploration programs. The results gained from the field campaigns performed with NEWTON instrumentation will be exposed and the innovations provided by this new technology for the exploration of the Moon and Martian System will be also discussed.