EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG) | Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
Geneva | Switzerland
15–20 September 2019
How to use Planets in a Room
Convener: Livia Giacomini
Wed, 18 Sep, 17:15–18:30
Ceres (Room 14)

Planets in a room is a DIY low-cost kit you can use to build a small spherical projector to easily see, show and teach planetary science. Planets in a room was developed by the italian association Speak Science in collaboration with INAF and Roma Tre University. The project was funded by Europlanet Outreach Funding Scheme and is now distributed online at www.planetsinaroom.net

Planets in a room is also a community of people who love space and science and who choose to build and use this system to make their passion grow, involving new generations. If you are a researcher, a teacher, an amateur astronomer, a student, and want to enter the community, in this workshop you will learn how to build, use and produce original content for Planets in a Room.