• Europlanet


Workshop: New developments in the study of auroral radio emissions
Convener: B. Cecconi  | Co-Convener: G. Fischer 

In this workshop we want to discuss new findings concerning radio
emissions from auroral regions with special emphasis on terrestrial
Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR) in comparison to Saturn Kilometric
Radiation (SKR). Three or four invited talks will be given with ample
time for discussion and questions. The presenters will be encouraged
to pose open questions and problems. The talks will focus on physical
properties of the radio emissions like their occurrence as a function
of observer position, their fine structure in dynamic spectra, their
polarization and beaming, and recent results from goniopolarimetric
studies, as well as comparison with auroral phenomena (ultraviolet,
infrared, or X-ray emissions, ion conics...). One special topic will
discuss the periodicities of the auroral radio emissions, and
especially the intriguing changing period of SKR and its relation to
Saturn's magnetic field. Finally, theoretical models of the generation
mechanism should be discussed. Therefore, spacecraft passes through
the source region as well as new findings on polarization properties
should provide important contraints for a better understanding of
auroral radio emissions.