• Europlanet


Earth and Jupiter radiation belts
Convener: Nicolas André 

Energetic ions and electrons within planetary radiation belts have a large impact on spacecraft and human technologies. This session puts the emphasis on magnetospheric processes that are related to the radiation
belts of the Earth and Jupiter. Source, loss and transport processes that govern the radiation belts of the two planets as well as their variability and effects will be discussed and compared.

All contributions on ground- or space-based observations of the radiation belts of the Earth and Jupiter, as well as on their modeling and simulations are welcome. In the context of the future Europa Jupiter System mission we also encourage papers discussing the radiation interactions with spacecraft components, instrument and detectors, and
moon surfaces that could help to design radiation-hardened spacecraft and understand expected performances of scientific instruments in the Jupiter environment.

Due to different planetary and magnetospheric conditions, radiation belts evolve and appear different on various other bodies of our solar system. Previous or recent missions like THEMIS, Demeter, Galileo, Cassini, Messenger, or upcoming ones like the Radiation Belt Storm Probes, BepiColombo, and Juno allow a comparison of radiation belts on different planets. In particular studies related to the radiation belts of Saturn and to the transient radiation belts at Ganymede and Mercury are encouraged.