• Europlanet


Splinter meeting of JRA3 – European modelling and data analysis facility. “Interdisciplinary Planetary Computational Modelling and Data Analysis”
Convener: Maxim Khodachenko 

Proposing of the JRA3-EMDAF activity in the Europlanet RI, and related communications with many European research teams, have shown that Europe has great strength in the area of planetary computational technologies, but it is insufficiently coordinated. Individual groups, models, techniques and algorithms need to be "publicized" among experts, coupled and integrated. To date modelling has never been considered as genuine space mission infrastructure, and efforts in the area are too closely tied to individuals and small groups with only sporadic accessibility to the wider community. The need to consolidate the European planetary computational community appears the primary motivation and the focus point of the JRA3-EMDAF, within Europlanet RI. Now, when the Europlanet RI project has been supported by EC FP7 we have an opportunity to proceed further with this goal.

The session is addressed to the broad community of computational modelling and data analysis specialists and will help to break down the existing individualistic barriers (caused sometimes by the narrow topical specialization inside the teams). As an initiative of "modellers for the modelling sake", it will appear a forum for the whole European planetary computational modelling and data analysis community. The session will serve the establishment and stimulation of cooperation between computational experts aimed to the efficient contribution to the scientific research. Since producing observables and helping to make a step forward in understanding the nature should be the drivers for any modeller, the session participants circle is not limited only to the computational specialists; it welcomes the representatives from the broad planetary research community, as well as the observers, laboratory experimentalists, and mission technologists.