• Europlanet


Origin and Evolution
Convener: Helmut Lammer  | Co-Conveners: Heike Rauer , Ghylaine Quitté , Ruth Ziethe , Günther Wuchterl , Alexander Krot 

The session addresses topics of geophysical and atmospheric studies related to early terrestrial planets.
Comparative planetology between Venus, Earth and Mars. Why evolved the Earth different compared to Venus and Mars?
What were the atmospheric conditions at the time when life originated?
What were the conditions of the early Earth water oceans? Greenhouse gases?
Open questions related to water delivery and initial water on early Venus and Mars.
How does life modify atmospheres, etc?

The Session is co-sponsored by the European Science Foundation (ESF) Research Networking Program 'Archean Environment: the Habitat of Early Life' [http://archenv.geo.uu.nl]