• Europlanet


Jupiter's 2009 impact: coordination of observations and first results
Convener: Pierre Drossart 

The discovery of a new impact on Jupiter on 19 July 2009 by the Australian astronomy amateur Anthony Wesley has mobilized the astronomy community in order to observe the event with telescopes of every size from HST, Keck or VLT as well as with smaller professional or amateur telescopes. Fifteen years after the Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacts on Jupiter, this event is a rare opportunity to study the response of Jupiter's atmosphere to an impact, at a different latitude, and with a single event compared to the multiple impacts of SL9. EPSC will be one of the first opportunities for astronomers to meet and exchange information for the preparation of future observations and data interpretation. In this context, a dedicated session at EPSC is organized as a round table discussion, centered on general exchanges between observers to optimize the second phase of observations which will start this autumn with long term studies of the dispersion of the material deposited in the atmosphere of Jupiter.

Potential interveners are kindly asked to contact directly the convener to organize the discussion (Pierre.Drossart (at) obspm.fr)