Science synergy with two or more spacecraft at Jupiter (workshop)
Convener: Jean-Pierre Lebreton  | Co-Convener: Paolo Tortora 
Oral Program
 / Mon, 20 Sep, 17:30–19:00  / Room Workshop Room 1

The Europa-Jupiter System Mission (EJSM) is an international mission to be developed in collaboration between ESA and NASA. The mission will aim at the comprehensive study of the Jupiter system with specific emphasis on Europa and Ganymede as potential habitat. In ESA, EJSM is being studied as one of the 3 potential Cosmic Vision Class-L mission. The reference mission architecture consists of two flight elements: i) the Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter (JGO), assumed to be developed and launched by ESA; ii) the Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO), assumed to be developed and launched by NASA. The two spacecraft could operate independently in the Jovian system but the mission is designed to execute an extended choreographed exploration of the Jupiter System before the spacecraft settle into orbits around Ganymede and Europa. JGO and JEO will be flying on two complementary trajectories and will carry complementary instruments to achieve the following science objectives: 1) to characterize Ganymede and Europa as planetary objects and potential habitats; 2) to study Ganymede, Europa, Callisto and Io in the broader context of the system of Galilean satellites; 3) to focus on the Jupiter system science including the planet, its atmosphere and the magnetosphere as a coupled system.

The EJSM two-spacecraft mission architecture offers unique opportunities for synergistic and complementary observations that will significantly contribute to the overall science return of the mission. In particular, the mission will provide unprecedented opportunity for comparative planetology of icy satellites, satellite-to-satellite radio-science investigations of the Jupiter atmosphere and Galilean satellites exospheres, coordinated studies of Jupiter’s magnetosphere and complementary observation of the Galilean satellites surfaces and gravity fields.

JAXA is currently studying a Jupiter Magnetosphere Orbiter (JMO) that would complement EJSM and provide more opportunities for multi-spacecraft science at Jupiter.

The workshop will be focused on discussing the synergy of simultaneous investigations by several spacecraft in the Jovian system. The session will consist of solicited and contributed oral talks and posters.