
Rotation, inner dynamics and natural processes of Solar system bodies
Convener: Yury Barkin  | Co-Conveners: José M. Ferrándiz , Natalia Petrova , Jean Souchay 
Oral Program
 / Tue, 21 Sep, 15:30–17:00  / Room Workshop Room 1
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 21 Sep, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area

We invite scientists to take active part in work of our Session TP8.2 “Terrestrial planets” “Rotational and inner dynamics of celestial bodies” with reports on wide thematics: celestial mechanics, inner and rotational dynamics of Solar system bodies, geodynamics and planetodynamics, mechanisms of variations of natural processes of Solar system bodies,
origin of magnetic fields and mechanisms of their variations, exoplanet dynamics, dynamics of compact objects.
We invite for discussion reports on studies of all aspects of dynamics of celestial bodies: on rotational and orbital dynamics of the Solar system bodies, inner dynamics and modeling of inner structures of planet and satellites, on inner interaction and forced relative dynamics of the shells of the planets and satellites, on study correlations of rotational and orbital dynamics of planets and satellites with variations of their natural processes and physical fields variations, on analytical studies of celestial mechanics problems. The fundamental problem about activization of solar activity due to gravitational action of planets also suggested for discussion. It is suggested in the list of discussed celestial bodies to include exoplanetary objects and compact objects (pulsars) for deveoping of general approaches and for costruction of general methods of studies of inner dynamics and translatory-rotary effects of all mentioned celestial bodies.
Dynamical studies of rotary motions of celestial bodies give the important key to understanding of their internal structure and dynamics of their shells, for undastanding of their natural processes. Due to space missions of last time and precision radar observations from the Earth the extremely important data on rotational motions of Mercury, the Moon, Mars, the Titan and other bodies of solar system are obtained. An increase of accuracy of observations of rotation of Mercury and the Moon in the nearest years is expected. Reports about modern studies of the Moon orientation and rotation by laser location method and with help of lunar telescope (on the lunar surface) are invited spesially.
Rotations and internal structures of solar system bodies have as the general properties so find out also the important specific features (resonant character of motion, presence of a liquid core, presence of liquid ocean shells, a massive atmosphere at the resonant satellite of the Titan and other). These features of celestial bodies result in necessity of development of new approaches and methods for construction of analytical theories of their rotation. The basic purpose in work of the given session is to combine and systematize studies of rotary motions of solar system bodies in view of their multilayered structure. The reports reflecting researches on the following themes are invited. The construction of analytical and semi - analytical theories of rotation of the Moon, Mercury and Venus, the Titan, other resonant satellites of planets, asteroids. Researches of gravitational fields and an internal structure of bodies of solar system, construction of their models. Researches of rotational motions of the Earth and Mars (in particular as systems of interacting shells). Observations of rotation of planets and satellites. Dynamics of relative oscillations of the shells of celestial bodies (differential rotations and small translational relative displacements). Investigation of principal role of origin and variations of magnetic fields of the Earth and others celestial bodies it is rather welcomed. Studies of tidal evolution of rotary motions etc. The papers about rotational motion of exoplanets are also invited.
For discussion also we suggest very important class of problems about Polar inversion and asymmetrical processes in N/S hemispheres of planets, satellites and the Sun: mechanisms of dynamical activization of polar regions. Many celestial bodies observe asymmetry in geological structures and in activity of natural processes in present and past epochs with respect to opposite hemispheres (in particular to the northern and southern hemispheres – N/S). High activity of atmospheric processes are observed in polar regions of Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and other bodies including the Sun. Contrast behavior of processes with contrast variations is observed in processes on Mars, Venus, Enceladus, Titan, the Earth, the Sun in first in polar regions of N/S hemispheres.
Reports of given Session are directed to detailed descriptions and studies of mentioned phenomena
and their explanation with mechanical point of view in mutual comparison and with unity positions and geodynamical models. One from central model can be a geodynamical model based on the forced shell dynamics. The reports focused on studying of relative displacements and motions of shells: relative displacements of the centers of mass of shells, their small mutual turns, twisting of hemispheres of shells etc. are invited. The study of mechanisms of excitation and activation of natural processes in polar regions of the Earth and other planets, satellites and the Sun. The study of the phenomena of synchronization of natural processes, unity of cyclicities of their planetary variations, the phenomena of asymmetry and inversion of activity of natural processes in northern and southern hemispheres of these celestial bodies.
A study of interrelations and unity of secular, long-periodic and step-by-step changes of ocean, an atmosphere, a hydrology processes on the planets and satellites, changes of the shape and rotation, transport and redistribution of its masses, variations of gravitational and magnetic fields, currents in a core, heat flows, a climate as in global scale so for northern and southern hemispheres of planets and satellites., in particular, polar regions: Enceladus, Titan, Europa, Mars, Venus, the Earth, the Sun, Saturn, Uran, Neptun, Pluto-Charon and oth. We invite papers for discussion of the results of following fundamental phenomena on the solar system bodies: cyclicity, inversion of activity, ordering, asymmetry, synchronity of natural processes of solar system bodies. Discussion could be rather useful on dynamics of compact objects. Joint discussion of the high energy astrophysics and planetary community on this subject can be fruitful. It will be also very interesting to have talks on observations of rotational behavior of neutron stars (precession, glitches, noise, etc.).