Planetary, Solar and exoplanetary radio emissions
Convener: Fabrice Mottez  | Co-Convener: Georg Fischer 
Oral Program
 / Wed, 22 Sep, 13:30–16:00  / Room Workshop Room 2
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 21 Sep, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area

Key topics of this session are the recent developments in the study of non-thermal radio emissions from the Sun, the five radio planets, and potential radio emissions from exoplanets. Special emphasis is put on current missions like Cassini and STEREO, but also new findings from data of older missions like Voyager, Galileo, Wind or Ulysses are welcome. In addition to space-based observations, new developments in ground-based radio telescopes (e.g. LOFAR, FASR) will be matters of discussion, that should lead to a better coordination of ground- and space-based observations. Presentations should focus on physical properties of radio emissions like rotational modulation, fine structures in dynamic spectra, polarization as well as source direction, and theorectical modeling and simulation of plasma and magnetic processes leading to their generation. Key questions for potential future missions like Juno, Solar Orbiter or EJSM can also be addressed. Oral as well as poster presentations are welcome.