Comets: observations, laboratory simulations and modelling
Convener: Jessica Agarwal  | Co-Conveners: M. Cristina De Sanctis , Annette Jäckel 
Oral Program
 / Thu, 27 Sep, 11:00–12:20  / Room Venus
 / Thu, 27 Sep, 14:30–18:00  / Room Jupiter Auditorium
Poster Program
 / Attendance Thu, 27 Sep, 18:15–19:45  / Poster Area

The aim of this session is to compile a broad overview on the current status of research on comets, and to encourage cross-disciplinary awareness between the various aspects of comets and methods used in their study. You are therefore invited to present your recent results related to past- and on-going space missions (e.g. Rosetta), observational studies from ground and from space, laboratory simulation, and theoretical modelling.