
Integrated Medium for Planetary Exploration (IMPEx) and United Solutions for Scientific Research (USSR)
Convener: Maxim Khodachenko 
Thu, 27 Sep, 16:30–18:00  / Room Mars

Acquisition of experimental data by space mission measurements and interpretation of this data on the basis of developed theoretical concepts and models are two major, mutually connected aspects of modern space research. Numerical modelling as a way to reproduce complex natural phenomena and to understand them by computational simulation plays an important role in this context. Observational data sets on the one hand are considered as a verification test to check the validity of existing models and on the other hand appear as a driver for further improvement of existing models and the development of new models. At the same time, the scientific potentials of the combined use of experimental and model-created data in their mutually complimentary way are still not fully realized. Individual research and space mission groups, data bases, models, and techniques need to be interconnected and cross-coordinated on the basis of modern web-based IT technologies and services. This requires development and implementation of common standards, data models, protocols and interfaces, as well as the creation of an IT framework where numerical models can be easily linked to experimental data and used in combination with the later for the study of space phenomena. The main goal of the EU FP7 project IMPEx (Integrated Medium for Planetary Exploration) is to make progress in that direction. Generality of approaches to the interactive use of computational models and experimental data in planetary science, implemented within IMPEx, leads the project team to the development of a common interactive framework which will bridge experimental data to scientific knowledge and will manifest as a unified environment for scientific research. Given the generality of this task, this work may be formulated as development of a set of Unified Solutions (and tools) for the Scientific Research.

The splinter session is going to serve the establishment and stimulation of cooperation between observers, numerical modellers, as well as IT engineers and developers. Representatives from these fields, as well as all interested in the subject are kindly invited to take part in the session which will be organized in the form of an open discussion and opinions exchange between participants.