Surface modification processes on planets and satellites with an atmosphere
Oral Program
 / Fri, 13 Sep, 14:00–15:44  / Room Venus - Wilkins Gustave Tuck
Poster Program
 / Attendance Thu, 12 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

Earth, Mars, Venus and Titan are examples of solid bodies that have relatively dense atmospheres. Yet each one has shown divergent evolution over the course of geologic history and both their atmospheres and surfaces are a testimony to this progression. Despite these vastly different environmental conditions, we find similar surface morphologies on all four bodies. Interactions between the atmospheric and geologic processes that shape these planetary surfaces record a history of each body’s evolution. This session welcomes abstracts that study, compare, and/or contrast the surface and atmospheric processes that modify planets and satellites with a substantial atmosphere. The sessions welcomes abstracts involving observation, analog studies, laboratory experiments, and numerical simulations. Abstracts that discuss the fundamental physics behind the modification process in question are especially welcome.