Advances in Planetary Mapping, Remote Sensing and Data Mining
Convener: Anthony Cook  | Co-Convener: Konrad Willner 
Oral Program
 / Mon, 09 Sep, 16:00–17:30  / Room Moon - Chemistry C. Ingold Cluster
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 10 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

Current and future international planetary missions have a large diversity of sensors that return vast amounts of planetary data. What new cartographic, remote sensing and data handling techniques will help us make sense of this data flood? This session aims to find answers to questions such as: (1) how can automated feature detection and recognition algorithms be utilized for data-mining and automatic inclusion into a GIS database? (2) What are the accuracies and limitations of processed cartographic products, especially in terms of spatial registration of different remote sensing datasets together? (3) How can GIS systems assist in mission planning and evaluation of data? (4) How to visualize planetary data products for most effective science exploitation?

The session is complemented and supported by the FP7 Project PRoViDE (, which will assemble a major portion of the imaging data gathered so far from vehicles and probes on planetary surfaces into an unique database, bringing them into a spatial context and providing access to a complete set of 3D vision products.