Zooming in-and-out of Mars: new tools to interact with multi-resolution Mars datasets
Convener: Konrad Willner  | Co-Conveners: Jan-Peter Muller , Sanjeev Gupta 
Oral Program
 / Wed, 30 Sep, 09:00–12:30  / Room Neptune
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 29 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

The enormous amount of imaging data sets now becoming available for Mars – both from orbiters and rovers - is transforming our understanding of the surface evolution of Mars through geological time. In order to more effectively analyse the data over the vast range of scales and resolution of the data, there is an urgent need to bring these data into a common co-ordinate reference system and display them in novel ways to enable scientists to fully exploit the wealth of information available.
We solicit contributions that include both the development and application of new tools and techniques, as well as new outstanding 3D imaging data products. Specific topics that we envisage to address in this session include: (1) how do we co-register and merge data across wide spatial scales for scientific interpretations; (2) what new platforms are there for processing, storing and presenting the data to the science community for maximum exploitation; (3) what interactive tools are being developed to exploit these co-registered datasets.
The session will be organized in a workshop style. Beginning with solicited talks on the aforementioned topics followed by a demonstration of results of the EU-FP7 funded iMars, PRoViDE, and CROSS-DRIVE projects – that are bringing together an extensive body of Martian data sets for scientific interpretation. The session will close with an open discussion focused on the scientists’ needs for tools and displays to exploit data on a maximum level.