The importance of organic matter evolution from the Interstellar medium to planetary systems
Convener: Gregoire Danger  | Co-Conveners: Louis Le Sergeant d'Hendecourt , Frédéric Foucher , Frances Westall 
Oral Program
 / Mon, 28 Sep, 09:00–10:30  / Room Neptune
Poster Program
 / Attendance Tue, 29 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster Area

Organic matter is almost ubiquitously observed in the Universe. Understanding the physical and chemical processes affecting it in various astrophysical environments can provide important information on its evolution. This matter is processed from the harsh conditions of the interstellar medium to the rich chemistry displayed in molecular clouds around proto-stars and its incorporation in and further alterations on small planetary bodies.

We know that biochemical systems emerged and led to the present biological diversity at least on one planet of our Solar System, the Earth. Does this extraterrestrial organic matter impact the prebiotic processes leading to the emergence of life on an Earth-like planet? What are the basic differences between classical physical and chemical processes and those that led to the emergence of specific molecular species and dynamic systems which may possibly be considered as prebiotic? How can we define environments in which such systems have developed? All these questions are related to Astrobiology.

In this interdisciplinary session, astro/cosmo/geo-chemists, together with chemists and physicists will present their latest research on the chemical evolution of organic matter in various environments and its relationship to Astrobiology.