
Demonstration - Zooming in-and-out of Mars: new tools to interact with multi-resolution Mars datasets (public)
Convener: Konrad Willner 
Wed, 30 Sep, 16:00–17:30  / Room Mars

Several EU FP7 funded projects, each focusing on a specific aspect, are currently improving the exploitation of Mars remote sensing data through implementation of advanced software and visualizations tools. Mars image data, collected by the ESA and NASA space exploration missions, ranging from orbital, through rover to microscopic scale are processed, co-registered, and visualized for further exploited. The iMars, PRoViDE and CrossDrive projects will demonstrate the implemented software and achievements providing scientist with advanced tools for their analysis on site.
This session is open to all participants. Especially interested geo-scientists – as potential users of the software demonstrated – are invited to join the demonstrations and discuss the current status and further needs by the scientists.
The demonstrations are complementary to the science talks of MT8 (Wed., 30. September 9:00 to 12:30).