MG2 Planetary Space Weather and Climate - Science and Services |
Convener: Manuel Grande | Co-Conveners: Nicolas André , Jean Lilensten , Iwona Stanislawska |
Oral programme
/ Tue, 19 Sep, 14:00–17:30
/ Room Venus
Poster programme
/ Attendance Tue, 19 Sep, 17:45–19:15
/ Poster area
Under Horizon 2020, the Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure includes an entirely new Virtual Access Service, “Planetary Space Weather Services” (PSWS) that will extend the concepts of space weather and space situational awareness to other planets in our Solar System and in particular to spacecraft that voyage through it.
PSWS will provide at the end of 2017 12 services distributed over 4 different service domains – 1) Prediction, 2) Detection, 3) Modelling, 4) Alerts. PSWS will not only have an impact on planetary space missions but will also allow the hardness of spacecraft and their components to be evaluated under variety of known conditions, particularly radiation conditions, extending their knownflight-worthiness for terrestrial applications. The first part of the session will be dedicated to a presentation to the broad community of operational PSWS services. The second part of the session welcomes papers on all aspects of planetary space weather related to the 4 service domains of PSWS. A topical issue devoted to planetary space weather in the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate will follow this session.