European Planetary Science Congress 2017
17–22 September 2017
Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija | Riga | Latvia


Space mission projects and concepts relevant to SMEs/industry - 3 minute show & tell workshop
Convener: Marcell Tessenyi 
Tue, 19 Sep, 16:00–17:30  / Room Mars

This session is being trialled on the industry day with a new format to bring together industry, in particular SMEs, with scientists and engineers involved in instrumentation. The idea is to give a brief technical overview of instrumentation developed or proposed for planetary sciences/astrophysics to industry representatives (either already established in the space sector, or with potentially transferrable technologies from other areas) who may have products or processes that could be relevant to the scientific community. To give maximum exposure and facilitate follow-up conversations, we invite teams involved in space mission instrumentation to present a brief (~3min) overview of their instruments or concepts. The “show & tell” activity will be followed by a discussion and a networking session.