European Planetary Science Congress 2017
17–22 September 2017
Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija | Riga | Latvia


Asteroids: Observations, laboratory simulations and models
Convener: Sonia Fornasier  | Co-Convener: Paolo Tanga 
Oral programme
 / Thu, 21 Sep, 09:00–12:30  / 14:00–15:30  / Room Saturn
Poster programme
 / Attendance Thu, 21 Sep, 17:45–19:15  / Poster area

The session is devoted to the study of the different populations of asteroids and of their origin, composition, physical properties and processes altering their surface properties. Presentations of the latest discoveries, observations results from ground and space observations, as well as numerical and dynamical models and laboratory experiments are the subjects of the session.