SB5 Ceres and Vesta - 10th anniversary of Dawn Special Session |
Convener: Francesca Zambon | Co-Conveners: Katrin Stephan , M.J. Toplis |
Oral programme
/ Mon, 18 Sep, 14:00–19:15
/ Room Saturn
Poster programme
/ Attendance Tue, 19 Sep, 17:45–19:15
/ Poster area
September 2017 marks 10 years since the launch of NASA's Dawn mission. Dawn has been the first mission to orbit two different targets in the main asteroid belt: the largest asteroid Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres. Dawn’s overall results represent a huge leap in our understanding of these bodies.
In this session we welcome contributions that cover: 1) latest results obtained from the Dawn mission on both Ceres and Vesta, concerning geology, mineralogy, surface composition and/or geophysics, 2) comparative analysis of Vesta and Ceres in terms of surface processes, internal structure, thermal evolution and origins.
The goal of this session is to highlight the major achievements of the Dawn mission, and to illustrate recent discoveries and ongoing work on Vesta and Ceres through direct analysis of Dawn data, study of analogs and/or theoretical models.