European Planetary Science Congress 2017
17–22 September 2017
Radisson Blu Hotel Latvija | Riga | Latvia


Early Career Scientists' Reception
Convener: Lena Noack 
Thu, 21 Sep, 19:30–21:00  / Room Neptune

Public information: At EPSC the Europlanet Early Career network EPEC will be launched. The aim of the network is forming a strong network between young professionals during the annual EPSC conference by organizing early-career-relevant events, and having a young voice within Europlanet to shape the future of planetary and space sciences.
All interested early-career scientists and space professionals are welcome to attend this event and to join our activities.

In a short introduction, we will first give an overview of the planned structure and activities of EPEC, and discuss on how to shape the network. To celebrate the initation of the network, we will have a reception with drinks and snacks afterwards.

Your Europlanet Early Career Steering Committee (Lena Noack, Maike Neuland, Ruth-Sophie Taubner, Ana Cernok, Tadeusz Kocman, Natalie Curran, William Dunn)